Main Exhibitions and Prizes
2005 Colective Exhibition "Shoe is Art" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – COUROMODA (Mundial Shoes and leather pieces Fair) Exhibition Park Anhembi – SP/ SP - "Shoe is Art" - with the artist Mai Bavoso - Novo Shopping - Novo Hamburgo/RS - "Shoe is Art" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – SICC International Leather and Shoes Saloon – Gramado /RS - "Homage to International Womens day" - Individual Exhibition at Renosul in Novo Hamburgo/RS - "Shoe is Art" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – 29° FIMEC - FENAC pavilions - Novo Hamburgo - trophy execution Prominences Radio Gaucha/Fenac on 29° FIMEC - Colective Exhibition "Margs goes to the mall" - Iguatemi Shopping - Porto Alegre - RS
2004 Stamp launching "International day of potable wather" (Mercosul Special Edition) – Brazilian Mail and Telegraph company – Colective Exhibition "Shoes and Leather" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – COUROMODA (Mundial Shoes and leather pieces Fair) Anhembi Exhibitions Park – SP/ SP – Individual "Flower Factory"- Caxias do Sul Municipal Art Gallery – Shoe Exhibition "Shoe as art support" GDS Germany (at Abicalçados place- Brazil) - "Shoe and Leather" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – SICC ( International shoes and leather Saloon) – Colective Exhibition "Arte 15" – Rio Grande Municipal Culture Gallery. – Individual in comemoration of 77th city birthday: "Novo Hamburgo Homage 3 Themes - "Hamburgo Velho" – Leather is Art – Flower Factory" – Novo Shopping - Novo Hamburgo. - "Shoes and Leather" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – FIMEC - Fenac Pavilions - Novo Hamburgo - Enartes Project – Colective Exhibition “Jesuitic Brazilian Missions” Novo Hamburgo Municipal Art Gallery ( Albano Hartz Cultural Place) - RS - ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "Açores there and here" at municipal culture center - Espumoso - RS - Novo Hamburgo Municipal Art Gallery ( Albano Hartz Cultural Place) - RS - Launching of the partnership project with "Território Nacional" "Art on Shoe" at Francal - Anhembi Park- São Paulo - SP - Lanching of the partnership project with Território Nacional "Art on Shoe" at National Shoe Museum - Novo Hamburgo - RS - " Art on Shoe ” - with the artist Mai Bavoso – FENAC/COUROMODA (Mundial Shoes and leather pieces Fair) Fenac Pavilions – Novo Hamburgo – RS
2003 Enartes Project – Group Exhibition “Jesuitic Brazilian Missions” – Xico Stockinger Gallery - Mário Quintana Culture House – POA / RS – Culture House Guaporé /RS- Culture House Triunfo – RS – city hall (Antigo Passo do Concelho Câmara Municipal) – Viana do Castelo – Portugal – "Casa dos Crivos" – Câmara Municipal – Braga – Portugal – Abade Pedrosa Municipal Museum – Câmara Municipal – Santo Tirso – Portugal - Colective Exhibition "Açores there and here" Érico Verisimo Culture House - Porto Alegre - RS. Colective Exhibition “Grupo Arte 15” – Percy Vargas de Abreu e Lima Municipal Gallery of Culture House – Caxias do Sul /RS- Colective Exhibition “Grupo Arte 15” – Iguatemi Shopping – Caxias do Sul /RS- “Shoes and Leather” - with the artist Mai Bavoso – SICC International shoes and leather Saloon – Gramado /RS- Colective Exhibition - “Bourbon Country Arte 2003” – Arte 15 Group – Bourbon Country Shopping - POA – RS - Colective Exhibition “Ayrton Senna Tribute” – with the artists: E. Catini, Flávio Mayummi, Mai Bavoso, Sandro Corradin and paintings of the Ayrton Senna istitute collection. Guardianship of Sandra Setti and Adriana Martini – Hilton São Paulo Morumbi – SP /SP - Individual - “ Leather is Art ” – Source International – CICB – Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, NY USA – Colective Exhibition “Shoes and Leather” - with the artist Mai Bavosoi – COUROMODA (Feira mundial de sapatos e artigos em couros) Parque de Exposições Anhembi – SP/ SP - “Shoes and Leather” - with the artist Mai Bavoso – FENAC estilo COUROMODA (Feira nacional de sapatos e artigos em couros) Pavilhões da Fenac – Novo Hamburgo – RS - “Shoes and Leather” - com o artista plástico Mai – FIMEC (Feira nacional de materias para couro calçados ) Pavilhões da Fenac – Novo Hamburgo – RS - Colective Exhibition “The art visits fashion” – Shopping Novo Shopping – Novo Hamburgo /RS - Colective Exhibition “Grupo Arte 15” – Galeria Estúdio Arte Integrada – Novo Hamburgo /RS – Colective Exhibition - Com os Artistas Marciano Schmitz , Mai Bavoso , Enio Lipman, Rosi Moreno – “Primaveras” – Estúdio Arte Integrada – Novo Hamburgo/RS – 6º lugar no 1º prêmio Canson de Pintura e Desenho/SP – Demonstradora convidada na X Mostra Nacional e II Mostra Mercosul de Pintura Artística/ POA.
2002 Colective Exhibition "Verão Arte Iguatemi" - with the artists Mai and José Carlos Martins - Iguatemi Shopping / POA - RS - "Shoes and Leathers" - with the artist Mai Bavoso - COUROMODA (Mundial Shoes and leather pieces Fair) Anhembi Exhibitions Park - SP/ SP - Colective Exhibition "A3" with the artists Mai Bavoso and José Carlos Martins - Novo Shopping - NH / RS - Colective Exhibition Brazilian Project beate "Vergine Delle Lacrime" - Treviglio / ITÁLIA - Colective Exhibition "ARTS" with the artists Kenji Fucuda, Inos Corradin, Cláudio Tozzi, Chen Kong Fang and others - Center Vale Shopping - São José dos Campos / SP- Colective Exhibition "Olhar POA" (the vision of Porto Alegre city) (Celebrating the 230 years of the city) with the artist Mai Bavosoi - Iguatemi Shopping- POA /RS - Colective Exhibition "Shoes and Leather" - with the artists Mai Bavoso - FIMEC (International Fair of equipament and machines for shoes and leather) - Colective Exhibition "Shoes and Leather" - with the artist Mai Bavoso - Swan Tower Flat Residence - NH/ RS - Colective Exhibition "Arte 15 of All of the Saints" - Arte 15 Group - Sinos Shopping- SL / RS - Colective Exhibition "Grêmio Náutico União" - POA - Colective Exhibition "Shoes: Magic Art" (when donated the painting to the museum) - National Shoes Museum - NH / RS - Colective Exhibition "Shoes and Leather" - with the artist Mai Bavoso - FENAC/COUROMODA - FENAC / NH - Colective Exhibition "II Internacional Art Exhibition" - Canela / RS- Colective Exhibition "Leather, Shoes and other themes" with the artist Mai Bavoso - Black Bull Cultural Place- Gramado / RS - Casa Cor - 2002 - POA / RS - ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "Jesuitic Brazilian Missions" at the municipal culture center and newspaper The GAZETA at Santa Cruz do Sul - Colective Exhibition "Opera Mea 2003" (when participated of the celebrating callendar of the 75 years of Novo Hamburgo) at Arte Modernidade Gallery in Novo Hamburgo.
2001 Individual "Noturn" - Estúdio Arte Integrada - NH /RS - ENARTES Project Colective Exhibition "Jesuitic Brazilian Missions" - FAMURS Cultural Place /Porto Alegre -RS- ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "Jesuitic Brazilian Missions" - Primitive Modern Art Museum - Guimarães / Portugal - Colective Exhibition "Shoes and Leather" with the artist Mai Bavoso - FIMEC - Colective Exhibition "Shoes and leather" working with the artist Mai Bavoso FENAC (National Shoes Fair) - Colective Exhibition "Arte 15" ARTE 15 Group - Novo Shopping- Novo Hamburgo /RS - Colective Exhibition "São Francisco Visions" - Sinos Shopping /São Leopoldo RS.
2000 Individual "Opera Mea" (when participated of the anual calendar "individual" showing a few part of her works) Municipal library of Campo Bom / RS - at the culture center of Sapiranga / RS - at the city hall in Feliz - RS - Individual "Noturns and other Themes" - Miró Place- Cultural Brazilian Center /Espanha - POA / RS - ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "500 years of the discovery of Brazil" Fonseca Palace, Santiago de Compostela - Espanha- ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "Five hundred years of Carlos V borning" Miró Art Place, Cultural Brazilian Center / Espanha- POA / RS- ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "Enartes" Francisco José Frantz Cultural Center- Santa Cruz do Sul / RS- ENARTES Project - Colective Exhibition "Enartes" Municipal culture center of Gramado / RS - Listel Guide subscribers Front Layer Choosen POA/ RS
1999 Individual Exhibition “Fábrica das Flores” Encontro das Artes Gallery Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil ; Collective Enartes Project Nova Petrópolis , Santa Cruz do Sul, Frederico Westphalen, Gramado -RS - Brasil ; "Olhares" Pinacotheca of the FEEVALE Novo Hamburgo; "Tri Legal + 2" Group ( Marilia Fayh, Rosana Almendares, Mai and José Carlos Martins) City Hall of Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brasil ;Covers of the LISTEL telephone directories Sinos Valley, Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, Southern , Western and Border Regions of Rio Grande do Sul and Guia de Assinantes of Porto Alegre 2000. She was one of the artists chosen for the bank of artists of the National Post Office Service..
1998 She made a panel measuring 20.78m x 3m for the Adams Street Bowling Bar in Novo Hamburgo. Collective Exhibitions "Enartes" Project MASM Santa Maria- RS - Brasil; Casa de Cultura Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil ; Casa Zero Hora - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil ; Casa de Cultura - Bagé - RS - Brasil ; City Hall of Bento Gonçalves, Centro Cultural - Uruguaiana - RS - Brasil ; Colective Exhibitions "Arte 15" Group Sinos Mall - São Leopoldo- RS - Brasil, Novo Shopping Mall - Novo Hamburgo; Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil ; Espaço Cultural Associação dos Caixeiros Viajantes - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil ; Collective Exhibitions "Enartes" Project exhibition on the One Hundredth Birthday of Federico García Lorca June 5 to 24 Centro Cultural Brasil/Espanha Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil.
1997 Collective Exhibition “Flores, Peixes, Maçãs”- Modernidade Art Gallery/Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil .
1996 Individual “Fábrica de Calçados” Series Estúdio de Arte Integrada Novo Hamburgo Individual exhibition at the Art Space of Casa Zero Hora/ Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1995 She made the panel about footwear measuring 5m x 1.5m for the “Centro Tecnológico do Couro Calçados e Afins CTTCA Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil ; Collective Exhibition about "Novo Hamburgo" Modernidade Art Gallery Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1994 Individual “Fábrica das Flores” series Estúdio de Arte Integrada Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1993 Collective Exhibition with artists Mai and Simone Rosa - Santa Maria Art Museum - Santa Maria - RS - Brasil and Estúdio de Arte Integrada - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil .
1992 "Arte Alerta" Project Aparados em Perigo - Usina do Gasômetro place - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil. “Sinos que te quero vivo” Project, “Lixão” Series Municipal Culture Centers of the municipalities of the Sinos Valley. 3rd Latin America Show of Plastic Arts - Santa Maria - RS - Brasil. Individual “Tendas de beira de estrada”- Estúdio de Arte Integrada - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1991 Individual “Hamburgo Velho”- Modernidade Art Gallery - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1988 Cover of the LISTEL Telephone Directory Sinos Valley/88
1987 First Place in Drawing at the 1st Salon of Plastic Arts of Canoas City - RS - Brasil - 44th Salon of Plastic Arts of the state of Paraná - Brasil - Installation and Performance of the "Valão" Group ( Flávio Scholles, Rogério Rauber, Mai) Curitiba/Paraná.
1986 Individual - Contemporânea Art Gallery - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1983 1st Place in painting at the 7th Art Salon of the FEEVALE - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1982 1st Place in Drawing at the 6th Art Salon of the FEEVALE - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.
1974 1st Place at the Panel Contest about the German Immigration - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil. . 1st Place, Young Category, Drawing and Painting Costest promoted by Tintas KillingPavillions of the FENAC - Novo Hamburgo - RS - Brasil.